Antonino Fiorentino, Postdoctoral Researcher presso National Research Council of Italy (CNR)

Antonino Fiorentino, Postdoctoral Researcher presso National Research Council of Italy (CNR)


Antonino Fiorentino received the Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering in March 2015. His research activity has been focused on the evaluation of the antibiotic resistance bacteria and modelling of their presence in water stream. During the Ph.D. he was a visiting research at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria in Spain and at the Universitè de Loreienne de Nancy in France. He was also member of the COST "Detecting evolutionary hot spot of antibiotic resistances in Europe (DARE) TD0803" and he now ia a member of the "New and emerging challanges and oppurtunities in wastewater reuse (NEREUS) ES1403"
Since 2012 he also works as a civil engineer and the environment, where he was involved consulting civil and environmental context for the Court and for private individuals.

Author of 9 publications on indexed international scientific journals. 

Now works on Advanced Oxidation Processes by UV-C and Solar UV for inactivation of antibiotic resistan bacteria and microcontaminants by civil and industrial wastewater.

Industry experience

Education: PhD

Seniority: Expert, Engineer, Consultant

Years of experience: 1 to 5 years
