Technology ​Spurs EP ​Water’s ​Odor Control ​Projects ​

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Technology ​Spurs EP ​Water’s ​Odor Control ​Projects ​

Times and technology have changed El Paso Water’s Haskell R. Street Wastewater Treatment Plant, and so have the complaints regarding odor control.

In 2012, EP Water commissioned a report to identify odor control solutions. One the results were in, crews began implementation of those solutions shortly thereafter. With the new technology – and the 29 workers at the plant, on Delta Drive south of the El Paso County Coliseum – EP Water was able cut the number of homes affected by the odors from 21,000 to 5,000, a reduction of odor by 75 percent.

Read full article: El Paso Herald Post

Video Source: El Paso Water

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